Common Name: California Sea Hare
Scientific Name: Aplysia californica
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family: Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, Anaspidea, Aplysiidae
Diet: Herbivorous, red algae, sea lettuce and eelgrass
Habitat: Sheltered rocky shore, middle to lower intertidal zones
Range: Monterey to San Diego, California
Identification: Red/green/brown color, head had 4 tentacles, parapodia (flaps) along the top of the body
Reproduction: Hermaphrodite (has both female and male reproductive organs), locate each other through chemical cues, noodle-like egg mass, eggs found from November to March
Behavior: Can release purple ink from parapodia (flaps) when threatened, mainly active at night
Predators: Giant green sea anemone and California Aglaja (a predatory sea slug)