Common Name: Graceful Rock Crab
Scientific Name: Metacarcinus gracilis
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family: Animalia, Arthropoda, Malacostraca, Decapoda, Cancridae
Diet: Scavenger, small invertebrates
Habitat: Shores, eelgrass beds, pilings
Range: Monterey Bay to Baja California
Identification: Greyish or tan with small dots of red, finely granulated carapace, 5 “teeth” between eyes, white tipped claws, slender legs
Reproduction: Eggs develop underneath the female’s abdomen
Behavior: Sometimes clings to the underside of jellyfish
Predators: Fish, sea stars, octopus
Citations:Johnson and Snook, 1927.Light, Sol Felty. 2007.Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory. “Graceful Rock Crab"