Common Name: Eelgrass Isopod
Scientific Name: Pentidotea resecata
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family: Animalia Arthropoda Malacostraca Isopoda Pentidotea
Diet: Algae, eelgrass
Habitat: Temperature sensitive (15C waters), kelp forests, eelgrass beds
Range: British Columbia to San Diego, California
Identification: Body is longer than wide, yellow-brown/green coloration, two sharp point at the end of abdomen. Length: Under 5cm.
Reproduction: Eggs held in brooding chamber under the thorax
Behavior: Found clinging onto kelp
Predators: Fish
Isopods are quite small, normally with a length less than 5 centimeters (2 inches)
Citations:Johnson and Snook, 1927.Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory. “Pentidotea resecata"